Business Transformation | External Moderator | Cultural Change — Marple Bridge | Conflict Resolution | Mediation | Business Management Consultant

Business Transformation

Assisting leaders, Executive Teams and Boards to define, plan and implement a culture or business change that fulfils the Purpose, Vision and Values of an organisation.

CEO’s with self-awareness will recognise that often their opinion, or their vision will dictate the dialogue and direction of the management team – it is why they have risen to be leaders. However when significant structural change is required, it can be valuable for their voice to become ‘one of the voices’ and for an external moderator who has lead organisations through significant structural change to come in and facilitate the conversations to ensure there is fresh thinking, shared vision and buy-in from all significant stakeholders. It can give a leader the ability to step back from a conversation that could shut down opportunity, but still ensure the conversation happens.  It allows the leader to step between leadership that is supportive, and leadership that is directive.

Periods of significant change – particularly when it involves cultural change - within an organisation stretch the capacity of Executives for a prolonged period of time. The leadership team needs to engage authentically and openly with each other to maintain momentum, as well as focus on the purpose of the change and support each other through it.

A leadership team can come out broken, or stronger and more resilient through the change process. My approach is to embed sustainable performance improvement and resilience in organisations by supporting authentic connections within the team and throughout the organisation. The initial focus is with the Board and Executive team, and then a plan is developed for engaging throughout the organisation, with limitations and setbacks openly acknowledged and dealt with.